Looking for your closest Kia retailer in Weston-super-Mare? As an approved Kia dealer, you'll find directions, opening times, contact details plus our Kia new or used car stock here.. Our Kia retailer stock's a vast number of cars for you to choose from, take advantage of our great deals.
Looking for a used Kia car or do you want to pick through the selection of a brand new Kia model's. Are you looking to get your existing Kia serviced or put through its MOT? You have come to the right place. Our experts at Howards Kia will take good care of your automotive needs. Our friendly, knowledgeable team are always ready and willing to help. They will provide you with any information you may need, be it help with a new vehicle or ordering genuine Kia parts. Our quality customer service is the top of our list of priorities, so get in touch with us today by phone or email. Or if you would prefer to get in contact with us then click on ‘Email Directions’, to find us on the map.