Side Cameras
We have briefly mentioned this above but wanted to go a little more in-depth about this advancement in car technology. Throughout the year there are many car shows where big automotive brands showcase their newest concept car. What is a concept car? Wikipedia states ‘A concept car (also known as a concept vehicle, show vehicle or prototype) is a car made to showcase new styling and/or new technology’. Brands attend these shows to showcase what they think the future of motoring will look like. Plus they want to let everyone know how skilled and talented they are.
We saw the Honda e electric car make its first appearance at the 2017 Frankfurt Auto Show. Since then due to a mass of positive feedback, Honda has announced they will be moving the Honda e to mass production. Across the UK and Europe, there have been over 25,000 expressions of interest for this cute electric car.
Why are we talking about this car, you ask? Yes, it fits in with this topic as the advancements in technology are all over this vehicle. But one thing we are specifically interested in is the side mirrors. Well, they are not mirrors anymore, they are cameras. The Honda e designers have placed small side cameras on the exterior of the electric car. These cameras project what they see on the outside of the car onto a display in the drives line of sight. How futuristic is that? Honda is showcasing, 'we don’t need side mirrors'. We can relay on exterior cameras to show a detailed view of the surrounding area and any hazards that exist.
This won’t be the first you have heard of cameras showing the cars surrounding area. It becomes 'as standard' for car manufacturers to have reversing cameras. Some manufacturers like Nissan, offer a 360-degree bird's eye view of the car when manoeuvring into a parking space. But replacing wing mirrors with cameras, this is future technology. Who believes this will become an ‘as standard’ feature across the majority of car brands???