This year, Danny has once again laced up his running shoes, embarking on an ambitious mission to run four marathons in Tokyo, Paris, London, and Chicago. While this feat is indeed commendable, it's not the first time Danny has taken strides for a cause close to his heart. His commitment to Weston Hospicecare goes back several years, marked by both his involvement in the community and previous marathon endeavors.
Weston Hospicecare, for over 30 years, has been a beacon of support for individuals and families facing life-limiting illnesses in Weston-super-Mare and North Somerset. All services, provided free of charge, encompass palliative care for patients with various conditions, such as cancer, motor neurone disease, Parkinson's disease, and other life-limiting illnesses. The hospice's reach extends to Clevedon, Yatton, Cheddar, Axbridge, Burnham, Highbridge, and the surrounding areas, providing essential care for a population of more than 170,000.
Danny's involvement with Weston Hospicecare predates his current marathon challenge. As an advocate for the hospice, he has worked tirelessly to support their initiatives in the past. This year's marathon series is a continuation of his commitment, a testament to his enduring dedication to making a difference in the lives of those touched by the hospice's services.