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Howards Peugeot Dealerships

Looking for your Peugeot retailer in Dorchester, Taunton, Weston-super-Mare or Yeovil? Your nearest retailer location is above. Just click your location and you will find direction, opening times, a phone number plus car or van stock be it new or used we have what you are looking for.

Looking for a used or new Peugeot car or van, or are you looking to get your existing vehicle serviced or put through its MOT? You have come to the right place, our Peugeot experts will take care of your needs. Our friendly and knowledgeable team are always ready and willing to provide you with any information you may require. Our quality customer service is the top of our list of priorities, so get in touch with us today by phone or email. Alternatively, if you would prefer to get in contact with us directly then click on ‘View Dealership’ and find us on the map and even get directions.

Peugeot Service, MOT and Parts

You've come to the right site if you're looking for a Peugeot service, MOT, or Peugeot parts. As a Peugeot franchised retailer group, we only use genuine and certified Peugeot parts and equipment, so you can rest assured that when you get your vehicle serviced by Howards Peugeot, you're getting the best for your vehicle. 

We provide manufacturer-approved car service, so you can be assured that your vehicle will be in excellent condition from the engine to the exhaust pipe. Call our retailer today on one of the above numbers, or use our convenient online service booking tool to schedule an appointment with one of our Peugeot-trained technicians.

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Reputation Reviews
  • Howards Garages (Weston) Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Automotive Compliance Ltd who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No. 497010). Automotive Compliance Ltd’s permissions as a Principal Firm allows Howards Garages (Weston) Ltd to act as a credit broker, not a lender, for the introduction to a limited number of lenders, and to act as an agent on behalf of the insurer for insurance distribution activities only.

    We are a credit broker and not a lender. We can introduce you to a carefully selected panel of lenders, which includes manufacturer lenders linked directly to the franchises that we represent. We act on behalf of the lender for this introduction and not as your agent. We are not impartial, and we are not an independent financial advisor.

    Our approach is to introduce you first to the manufacturer lender linked directly to the particular franchise you are purchasing your vehicle from, who are usually able to offer the best available package for you, taking into account both interest rates and other contributions. If they are unable to make you an offer of finance, we then seek to introduce you to whichever of the other lenders on our panel is able to make the next most suitable offer of finance for you. Our aim is to secure a suitable finance agreement for you that enables you to achieve your financial objectives. If you purchase a vehicle, in the majority of cases, we will receive a commission from your lender for introducing you to them which is either a fixed fee, or a fixed percentage of the amount that you borrow. This may be linked to the vehicle model you purchase.

    Different lenders pay different commissions for such introductions, and manufacturer lenders linked directly to the franchises that we represent may also provide preferential rates to us for the funding of our vehicle stock and also provide financial support for our training and marketing. But any such amounts they and other lenders pay us will not affect the amounts you pay under your finance agreement; however, you will be contributing towards the commission paid to us with the interest collected on your repayments. Before we propose you to a potential lender, we will inform you of the likely amount of commission we will receive and seek your consent to receive this commission. The exact amount of commission that we will receive will be confirmed prior to you signing your finance agreement.

    All finance applications are subject to status, terms and conditions apply, UK residents only, 18s or over. Guarantees may be required.